Sunday, December 11, 2005

Canopy training (Part 2..)

The 4th day of the training, kami belajar cara pasang tali di atas pokok yg tersangat la tinggi (tapi, tinggi lagi gunung kinabalu ler)..yg lucu, we've to shot the rope using bigshot...Part yg plg susah skali is when mo tarik benda tu sekuat yg bulih, pas tu kena aim, baru bulih shot tu tali...aduh, mo setengah mati rasanya tarik benda tu...but, at least i'm not the worst person to shot the bigshot...

the 5th day of the training is about rescue using GBRS (Ground Base Rescue System)...this is much easier than the other 2 rescues technique that we've learnt for the last 3 days, where we're working in a team to rescue a casualty only from the ground...tapi tau-tau ja la kalo work as a team nie susah ckit coz it's depend on the cooperation dari group tu sendri...em, for this first time, we're having a bit kelam kabut la dgn rescue guna GBRS nie...sampai aku rasa, aku mcm org bengong jak, tia tau apa mo buat...nasib baik instructor-instructor omputih tu tia nampak gaya aku ms tu...kalo ndak, abis la kantoi...kuang..kuang..kuang...tgh2 practise tu, sempat lagi kami panjat pokok setinggi 40m..mula tu, takut juga coz gayat la kunun...tapi bila sdh sampai di atas, wah! bestnya...

sebelah petang plak...kami buat practise sendri2 coz the next day ada assessment about all the manouvres that we've learnt b4...nasib baik, sumo berjalan lancar macam biasa...

And...yesterday, is the assessment day...fuh, kecut abis perut aku b4 assessment tu mula...mcm tia confident jak aku bulih buat mcm yg sebelum nie...mula2 assessment tu, aku kena jadi casualty sdh...em, lagi la nervous coz sumo org sudah mula n aku blum buat satu manouvres lagi...but, bila sampai turn aku, happy sgt-sgt coz aku dapat buat 3 manouvres 'skaligusdur'...(ni ayat member aku yg giler...)bila time buat rescue tu plak, sshnya ati aku bila tia dapat turunkan shunt aku dari tali bengong tu...rasa mo nangis pun ada juga...(bak kata chomeque, cengeng...:D)...but, bila sdh lepas sumo tu n dapat bawa casualty tu turun dgn selamat, fuh, that's the most happy momment for me...hehehe...hebat la kunun...

guest what, i've passed the assessment with flying color without any minor fault..hehehehe...kunun ja ba tu...anyway, instructor kami bilang, kami punya group is the best compare to the other group...kuang..kuang..kuang...(Perasan lagi...)to be continue lagi...